You’ll be given options of which disk you want to choose. If you have no external drives, just skip this step entirely. Always backup when connected to a power source. You can also choose backup on battery power, but I would not recommend clicking on that. If there are any disks listed that you’d like to include in your Time Machine backup, click on the disk and then click the - sign.

Click on Options in the lower right hand corner. If you have any external drives you wish to backup as well, they may be excluded by default. Click on the Select Backup Disk icon on the right side of the pane. It’ll be the green circle looking one with a counter clockwise arrow. Now click on the Time Machine preference Pane. You can find it either on your Dock, within Launchpad, or if worse comes to worse, in the Applications Folder. This should be the easiest backup you’ve ever done.

It should be in your home screen, but you can also easily access it through the control panel under Applications. In your QNAP Interface, go to Backup Station. I’ll show you how to set it up like I have. QNAP makes it easy with full support for Apple’s Time Machine in every current NAS they sell from the silent fanless HS-210 meant for the home all the way up to the big rack mounted 24-bay units. Going with a NAS device allows you to provide backup to to every Mac in your house or place of business no matter where they are. You can do this with a single hard drive, but those aren’t backed up themselves and if you’re on a MacBook, you have to unmount the drive before you can move your laptop. Since OS X 10.5, they’ve built a backup tool called Time Machine into the operating system. I will say this and say it again until your ears bleed: back-up, back-up, back-up, back-up and then when you think you’re safe, back-up some more. I – Tutorial: Configuring Time Machine Backup on QNAP QTS